Just a reminder about our fourth birthday celebration
It is with great excitement that Lake George Day VIEW Club is celebrating it's Fourth Birthday and would like to invite members current, past and future, friends and supporters to our Fourth Birthday Party.
The theme for our party is the Olympics and will be held at The Carrington Inn Bungendore on Tuesday 19 August 2008, 11.30 for a 12 noon start. We will be entertained by Brian Butler. Cost $25. Ring Lorraine by Friday 15 August on 6238 1953 to reserve your place.
Already we have a large number of reservations so come along and don't miss out on being a part of this celebration. Reacquaint yourself with old friends and make new friends while providing support to the Smith Family's Learning for Life programme. Bring along a friend and get a free raffle ticket.
So put 19-08-08 in your diary and join members for this fun packed birthday celebration.
Hi there Lydia,
Looking forward to this meeting, it should be fun.
Thanks so much for introducing me to your club. I think its great that it supports such a good cause.
Good morning Lydia
Thank you for emailing me your club's details re blogspot etc. Hopefully someone within our club that is computer literate will be able to set up a site for BEVC similar to LGDVC. It is a credit to you all and a marvelous way of getting the message out there. Hope to see some of your members at our Fashion Parade next Monday night at the Carrington. Please pass the word around as the more guests we have the more we raise for the LFL programme. Anyone wishing to attend can ring myself on 62381444 a/h or Debbie Hudson on 62381517 before this Friday if possible.
Congratulations Lorraine on such a huge milestone. It is a privilege to have you as a member of my Club and even more so that you serve as secretary on the committee to Lake George. Well done girl and may you have many more years of friendship and enjoyment with old friends and new ones to be made.
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