The members of the Lake George Day VIEW Club, along with their guests, enjoyed a beautiful spring day dining el-fresco in the delightful garden at the home of Patrick and June Blades on Tuesday 19th October. The ladies were very warmly welcomed as they gathered for their monthly luncheon meeting, featuring an Oktoberfest theme.Patrick donned his apron and barbequed the most delicious Traditional German fare, such as a variety of Wurst, Pork Belly with Porter Beer and BBQ Chicken, for those not so adventurous. The delicious meat was accompanied with an equally delicious variety of Traditional German styled salads and to follow on from that, not to be out done, were the desserts of Apfelstrudel (Apple Strudel), Blackforest Cake and Fresh Fruit.Complimenting the meal was Patricks very own home brew (which they claim is the best in Wamboin) and some of Junes Pinot Noir wine, which was also given the ladies tick of approval.During the course of the meeting, Blending in with the theme for the day was a pretty apron competition. Several of the ladies wore their favourites and paraded them proudly, and even though they were all lovely, the winner on the day was Marie Alaimo with her beautiful black and white apron which matched her whole outfit, even down to her beautiful German styled hat. Marie received a gift for her efforts.Patrick and June were thanked for their hospitality, the absolutely wonderful meal and opening their home and beautiful garden to the ladies for the day.National Vice President and Lake George Day VIEW club member Fiona Spottiswood, spoke to the members about the various different ways in which individual clubs are able to structure their committees to suit the varying needs of each club. For the smaller clubs, such as Lake George, these new ideas would be quite beneficial as the members would be all working together and sharing the duties more evenly. The clubs election of office bearers for 2011 will be conducted at the November luncheon, on Tuesday 16th
by Sue Maas

Aprons by Mary, Helen, Brenda, Kerry, Marie and June

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